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Thank you for your generous offer in support of the JDRF auction! We will respond to your donation request shortly, as we must review every submission to ensure that it meets JDRF procurement guidelines for auction items. We are grateful for your generosity and your partnership in helping JDRF achieve our goal to improve the lives of people with type 1 diabetes. This email does not serve as an official letter of acknowledgement for tax purposes. For more information about JDRF and diabetes research progress, please visit our website at
Please note all items must be physically received by JDRF office a minimum of 3 weeks in advance of the gala by February 9, 2019 to allow ample time to set up and promote the auction catalog. Please let us know if you would like to coordinate a pickup of your item or if you plan to mail it or drop it off.
If you are donating an intangible item or service that does not require a gift card and would like us to make a certificate to give to the winning bidder, please specify this information below.
Please contact us if you have any questions! JDRF South Gulf Coast Chapter 3369 Pine Ridge Rd., Ste. 202 Naples, FL 34109 (239) 591-2825